The political hot button issue that concerns me most is:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Soccer Mom Yells Foul

I can't stand it anymore. I feel like I'm watching a speeding train veer off of the rails and I'm powerless to stop it. My friends and family are starting to look glassy-eyed everytime I climb up on my soapbox and beg them to get involved, write a letter, make a call, vote, protest, just do something! Activate! So as a favor to those I love, I'm writing this to channel all of my angst regarding the political landscape. This is how I came to write my first post at 1am in the morning.

Every mom I know is starved for time. You are busy. You don't begin to have time to keep up with what is going on politically. Somewhere in the back of your head, though, you sense that your life is about to change due to the decisions that are being made in Washington D.C. You are seriously concerned about the world you are leaving to your children, but, you try not to think about it too much. You'd like to be better informed and influence a change for the better. I'm going to help you with that.

Next time I'll tell you what issues are keeping me up at night because I, on the other hand, think way too much..................

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