The political hot button issue that concerns me most is:

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Mommy Manifesto

There once was a place called Kristenland. In this country, everyone had a roof over their head and food in their belly. Every child had parents who were required to pass a test before they could get their license to procreate. All children are treated with love, respect, and dignity. The healthcare system emphasizes maintaining wellness, but, when medical attention is required, it is readily available to all. The elders are revered for their wisdom and the entire society gladly participates in their care. Not a soul wants for anything because this is the land of plenty.

Alas, Kristenland does not exist. Until it does, we have to live in the real world. I only know a few things for sure and I learned them all from being a mommy:

1. There is a God and He is active. Go see the Grand Canyon, you'll believe.

2. The first day I saw the line turn blue on the stick, I knew it was a baby in there. I did not have to think about when the baby's life began. It is inconceivable to me to end the life of a child. Enough said.

3. What women WANT has changed dramatically in the last 40 years. The trouble is.....what children NEED hasn't changed a bit. Mommyhood requires serious face time!

4. If a 10% tithe is good enough for God, why isn't a 10% tax rate good enough for the government? Let everyone pay the same percentage of their income as a contribution to society and stop the social engineering and class envy! It's gross and unseemly!

5. I hate guns. They kill people. I'll let you keep your stupid guns, but, can we please keep them away from children?

6. Tolerance and acceptance are not the same thing. When did Christians become the last group in America that it was O.K. to hate?

7. There are men and then there are males. They are not the same. Men are a dying breed. If you actually have a real live man - be nice to him. Male bashing is no less disgusting than male chauvinism and it should be treated as such.

8. If you focus on rightness, you get more rightness.

9. We should all agree to disagree agreeably - PLAY NICE!

10. We all want the same things - ie, to live in "Kristenland" - we just have a different opinion on how to get there. Our way is better!

Tomorrow, I'll tell you why I think Barack Obama might be the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party..............


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